JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police will implement the Crowd Free Night (CFN) scheme at the turn of the year. This scheme will be implemented in 73 points.

This scheme was chosen based on the results of coordination meetings with several agencies. For example, Kodam Jaya and the DKI Provincial Government.

"Then for the security of New Year's Eve, Crowd Free Night will be implemented", said Head of Public Relations of Metro Jaya Police, Kombes E. Zulpan, to reporters, Tuesday, December 21.

In the scheme, 73 points of CFN application are located in 6 regions. This scheme is implemented to suppress community mobility and prevent the spread of Omicron or the new variant of COVID-19.

"There are 73 points that are enforced in the DKI area", said Zulpan.

"Sudirman-MH Thamrin Street, around Monas, then Kemayoran, Asia-Africa, Kemang, Darmawangsa, Senopati, Antasari, and the East Flood Canal", he continued.

In addition, as many as 8,000 joint personnel from the TNI (Army)-National Police and the DKI Provincial Government were also deployed to secure the 2021 and 2022 Christmas holidays. The security was carried out for more than a week.

"Security will start from December 24 to January 2", said Zulpan.

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