JAKARTA - It went viral some time ago when vocalist D'Masiv, Rian Ekky Pradipta experienced an incident during a gig in Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung last September. The burst of fire, which is a stage effect, almost burned his body and face.
Rian admitted that he was still traumatized by the incident. Fortunately, the incident did not cause any injuries.
"So, after yesterday's incident, if I saw something like a flare, I immediately went a bit far," said Rian when met in Sudirman, Central Jakarta, Monday, November 25.
"So, like a fear, I'm afraid it will hit again. So really there is still a little trauma," he continued.
The 38-year-old vocalist admitted negligence, because he did not receive detailed information about the burst of fire.
"Fortunately yesterday we wore leather jackets, so it looks like it's holding back, it's still saved. And after the event, we immediately went to the briefing, we immediately called all the responsible people. And this can't be like this anymore," he said.
"Maybe because the intensity of the stage is really tight, so it's like tired or skipping. So yes, it's quite angry after a gig, but thank God, the important alley is safe."
Rian admitted his team had been more careful since the incident. He didn't want a similar incident to happen again.
We also have to be more careful, in more detail, tell the conditions of the stage and others. Because there are times when there are situations where our management may forget to check first. In the future, we make sure there are no more incidents like that.
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