JAKARTA - The Sawah Besar Police are still investigating the motive for the cause of a resident with the initials H who was desperate to end his life by committing suicide on Budi Rahayu 3 street, Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta, Saturday, December 18.

"The motive has not been found yet, but the post-mortem results show no signs of violence," said Head of the Sawah Besar Police, Commissioner Adjutant of Police Maulana Mukarom, Monday, December 20.

Previously, residents of Mangga Dua Village were shocked by the discovery of a man who was desperate to end his life by hanging himself. The victim is known to have the initials H (48) from Bogor, West Java.

According to Dewi, an eyewitness to the incident, she found out when she saw the victim was already dead in a position hanging on the stairs of the house. Dewi then reported to the local neighborhood head.

Then the report was forwarded to the officers of the Babinsa of Mangga Dua Selatan Village and Babinkamtibmas of Mangga Dua Selatan Village.

"Witnesses who saw also did not know the cause (of the suicide victim)," he said.

Even so, the suicide case is still under investigation by the Sawah Basar Police.

"We suspect that there is a personal problem," he said.

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