NGAWI - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the Ngawi Big Market in East Java. The market, covering an area of 15,940 square meters, is expected to become a trading center and be able to accelerate economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We hope that this market will be a lever for the economic movement of people in Ngawi and its surroundings to accelerate the process of economic recovery after this pandemic. By saying Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, I declare that Ngawi Market is open this afternoon", said Jokowi, while inaugurating the market, Friday, December 17.

Meanwhile, the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, said that the existence of Pasar Besar Ngawi would make the economic cycle of the people of Ngawi and its surroundings even faster. Pasar Besar Ngawi is a modern market built on an area of 15,940 square meters and has 291 kiosks, 244 stalls, and 20 dry stalls.

The market in Ngawi was rehabilitated in 1990. Then in 2020, the Ministry of Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR), took over for revitalization according to the mandate of Presidential Regulation 80 of 2019 concerning the acceleration of economic development in East Java.

"The target is to finish in December 2021 with the scope of work on market buildings, other supporting facilities for fire protection, parking lots, and others. Alhamdulillah, President Jokowi inaugurated today", she said.

Khofifah hopes that the revitalization of the Ngawi Big Market can answer the needs of people who want a more modern, safe, and comfortable shopping place with various complete supporting facilities.

"Just like Mr. President, I also hope that the existence of a green building-based market (BGH), in addition to fostering consumer interest in shopping at the market, can also accelerate regional economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic", she said.

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