JAKARTA - The accused in the narcotics abuse case, artist Nia Ramadhani, her husband Ardi Bakrie, and personal driver Zen Vivanto, underwent a follow-up trial with the agenda of examining the defendants, in a timely manner, at the Central Jakarta District Court, Thursday, December 16.

Chief Judge Muhammad Damis when opening the trial at 10.00 western Indonesia time warned the three defendants to give honest statements in the middle of the trial.

"Warning to the defendants to give honest testimony in court. Please brothers and sisters give as it is," he said.

The three defendants testified against the other defendants, because the three defendants were in the same case.

Meanwhile, Nia Ramadhani herself accompanied by her husband arrived at the Central Jakarta Court at around 09.30 western Indonesia time with her attorney, Wa Ode Nur Zainab.

"Hello Ma'am, Sir. Thank you for your support," Nia Ramadhani said to the media crew.

At the previous trial, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) presented four witnesses including three fact witnesses, Pandjiyanto as a household assistant at Nia's house, Senja Kurnia Putri a clinical psychologist, and Hendra Heruman as Program Director of Fan Campus.

Meanwhile, one expert witness was presented, namely, a criminal law expert, Prof. Mudzakir.

The Public Prosecutor (JPU) indicted the celebrity couple and defendants Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie, as well as personal driver Zen Vivanto with articles of drug abuse for consuming narcotics class I.

For their actions, the defendants were charged with violating Article 127 paragraph 1 letter a of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Juncto Narcotics Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of four years in prison.

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