BANDUNG - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil accompanied by the Regent of Indramayu Nina Agustina visited the residence of three neglected children in Indramayu Regency, Tuesday, and invited them to have lunch together.

The three abandoned children were abandoned by their parents. The father migrated to Jakarta without ever returning, while the mother left them after remarrying.

"Here, there are three girls whose father left them to wander to Jakarta and didn't come home, left their mother who remarried, they were not taken care of, so their schooling was cut off," said Kang Emil, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 14.

According to Kang Emil, West Java children should not be left behind, let alone stop going to school. On that basis, he and the Regent of Indramayu ensured that the three children would be able to return to school.

Moreover, said Kang Emil, these children have noble ideals. Some aspire to become a doctor. There are also those who want to become teachers.

"Therefore, no West Java child should drop out of school, therefore we came to make sure with the regent's mother that the children return to school. Her ambition is noble, she wants to become a doctor, she wants to become a teacher," he said.

In addition to ensuring their education, Kang Emil together with the Indramayu Regency Government also provided assistance in the form of basic necessities to birthday gifts. The West Java Provincial Government will also repair the houses of the three children.

"Taking care of by his aunt alone, later we will also help his aunt, we will repair his house. Anyway, in West Java there should be no children who drop out of school," said Kang Emil.

"The West Java Provincial Government has a West Java Quick Response (JQR) which helps humanity problems throughout West Java every day. Sometimes the information doesn't arrive. If the information arrives, the state will definitely provide assistance," he said.

After visiting the three girls who were abandoned by their parents, Kang Emil took the time to greet the residents of Indramayu.

Then, he met the West Java Peparnas athlete from Indramayu, Suneri. The Peparnas athlete from the archery branch managed to present a silver and bronze medal for West Java at the 2021 Peparnas event.

The two also had time to chat and take pictures together. Not to forget, Kang Emil thanked Suneri for fighting for the honor of Indramayu and West Java at the 2021 Peparnas.

"West Java has appreciated Peparnas, PON was given a bonus because they are heroes. In the COVID-19 era where there is a lot of bad news, there is little good news, one of the good news is achievements in sports where PON won first place, while Peparnas won second. So I appreciate it," he said.

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