JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives from the Gerindra faction who is also a celebrity in the country, Mulan Jameela has become the target of netizens after allegedly not undergoing a 10-day quarantine after returning from Turkey. It was reported that the wife of musician Ahmad Dhani and his family had taken a walk at Pondok Indah Mall on December 9 even though he had only arrived in Jakarta on December 2.

Lawyer Ahmad Dhani denied that Mulan and her family did not undergo quarantine as a rule. The news was previously published by a netizen named Adam Deni.


"Regarding that, there are netizens who say that their families did not quarantine after traveling from Turkey, it is not true," said Ali Lubis when confirmed by VOI, Monday, December 13.


"As a family, they are not going anywhere and instead immediately quarantined according to applicable regulations," continued Ali.

Ali also denied that Mulan Jameela and other families were walking at Pondok Indah Mall after their return from Turkey. "It's not true that on December 9, 2021, what netizens said on social media, which said Ahmad Dhani's family was walking in one of the malls after returning from Turkey, is not true at all," said Ali.


If you don't believe it, Ali said, travel history can be tracked through the application for COVID-19 PeduliLindung.


"It can be proven by viewing and checking their travel history directly in their CaresLindung application on that date," said Ali.


Investigating a calibaration, Mulan as a member of the DPR received an exception from the recommendation issued by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) in order to be able to undergo quarantine independently at home. It is also known that Mulan was not traveling in Turkey, but was joining a working group for the Commission VII DPR's work visit with her family.


Mulan Jameela is not having fun but a working visit


The Secretary-General (Secretary-General) of the DPR Indra Iskandar said Mulan Jameela's departure to Turkey was to conduct a working visit (kunker) with Commission VII DPR RI in charge of science, technology, research, and energy. Mulan is one of 14 members who join the group.


"There are 14 people participating in accordance with the DPR's AKUPA (General Policy Direction for Budget Management)," said Secretary-General of the DPR RI, Indra Iskandar, to reporters on Monday, December 13. Indra explained that Mulan Jameela's work together with Commission VII DPR was in the context of supervision and diplomacy. He also mentioned that the Secretariat General of the DPR also reported this quarantine matter to BNPB.


"Yes, because it has to be monitored periodically and reported to the BNPB Task Force," said Indra.



In accordance with the SE Task Force for Handling COVID-19


The rules for the COVID-19 quarantine process, for officials who are allowed to self-quarantine at their respective homes, are contained in the Addendum to the Circular Letter of the Republic of Indonesia's National COVID-19 Handling Task Force No. 23 of 2021 concerning International Travel Health Protocols During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

This SE addendum will be out on December 2, 2021, and takes effect the next day. SE was released following the emergence of the Omicron variant in the world.

"You can check it in the COVID-19 Circular Number 23," said Ministry of Health spokeswoman Siti Nadia Tarmizi, Monday, December 13.

The following reads SE Number 23. In number 4 it is stated that all International Travelers, both Indonesian Citizens (WNI) and Foreign Citizens (WNA) must follow the terms and conditions.

Point H is an exception. The points read as follows:

"In the event that the head of the foreign representative and family serving in Indonesia can self-quarantine at their respective residences for 10 x 24 hours."

"Everything refers to SE that's all," said Nadia.

This may be used as a basis, even though it is not mentioned that members of the DPR are included in the category that gets exceptions. Or maybe the COVID Task Force has internal regulations on quarantine discretion that are not written in SE.

As stated by the Commander of the COVID-19 Air Task Force, Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Colonel Agus Listiono. He said that the families of Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela were self-quarantining at their homes based on the BNPB policy - which doubles as the COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

"They can self-quarantine from BNPB," said Agus, Monday, December 13.

"All the procedures from BNPB, we just carry out, starting from arriving, until they get into the private car that took them. For this rule, it was given because Mulan Jameela is a member of the DPR (Self-quarantine at home)," he said.


BNPB Head Speaks Up


The head of BNPB, Suharyanto, explained that ministerial-level officials and members of the Indonesian House of Representatives received exceptions to quarantine rules after traveling from abroad. They, he said, were allowed to self-quarantine.


"In self-quarantine, there are exceptions, sir. For example, ministerial-level state officials and members of this council also receive facilities for self-quarantine when they return from abroad," said Suharyanto during a working meeting with Commission VIII DPR, Monday, December 13.


"This means that the self-quarantine will not be placed in hotels or in prepared places," he continued.

Even though he was privileged to self-quarantine, Suharyanto emphasized that the rules would remain the same. That is, officials and members of the DPR must quarantine for 10 days.


"Self-quarantine is the same as a centralized quarantine. So for 10 days, it is hoped that you will not go anywhere. We have conveyed the limitations in a circular letter," concluded Suharyanto.

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