JAKARTA - The city of Yogyakarta will tighten supervision of the implementation of health protocols (prokes) during the year-end holidays, including during the 2022 New Year celebrations in places that have the potential to become the center of the crowd.

"Because PPKM level three or isolation has not been implemented during the year-end holidays, the enthusiasm is more on limiting and enforcing health protocols," said Head of the Yogyakarta City Civil Service Police Unit Agus Winarto in Yogyakarta, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 13.

Therefore, he continued, the main activity that will be carried out by the Yogyakarta City Satpol PP is to support the supervision of health protocols in the field.

A number of places that have the potential to become the center of crowds in Yogyakarta during the year-end holidays, such as the Malioboro area to the Zero Kilometer Point, Yogyakarta Square, Tugu, and a number of other points will be the focus of health protocol supervision.

"We are ready to go down with full personnel for supervision of health protocols," he said.

Agus continued that the Yogyakarta City Satpol PP would not impose sanctions on people who violate the provisions of the health protocol, such as not wearing masks and not keeping a distance.

However, the imposition of sanctions will still be reviewed according to the development of the situation and conditions in the field.

"We may not apply sanctions because our spirit is that visitors obey health protocols. However, if we are forced to be sanctioned, we will do it for the sake of mutual safety and comfort," he said.

Under the supervision of the health protocol, it is possible to randomly check the vaccination status of tourists who come. "There must be a complete vaccine. We are working with the Health Department for its implementation," he said.

According to the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 66 of 2021, a number of restrictions that will be enforced during the year-end holidays, especially New Year's Eve, are to close all squares from December 31 to January 1, 2022. The closure is intended to prevent potential crowds on New Year's Eve.

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