JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) estimates that moderate to heavy rain will fall in the peak and slopes of Mount Semeru, East Java for the next three days until Sunday, December 12.

The head of the BMKG Public Meteorology Center, Fachri Radjab, said that this condition must be a concern and increase awareness for all communities around Mount Semeru. In particular, those who are currently in charge of handling the eruption disaster that has just occurred.

"In the Mount Semeru area, for the next three days we see the potential for rain with moderate to heavy intensity, especially during the day," said Fachri in a written statement quoted on Saturday, December 11.

Fachri then explained that the forecast for rain with moderate to heavy intensity will occur in Poncokusumo District, Wajak District, Tirtoyudo District and Ampel Gading District in Malang Regency. Then Senduro District, Pasrujambe District, Candipuro District, Tempursari District, and Pronojiwo District in Lumajang Regency.

"For the peak area of Semeru, between 12.00 WIB and 15.00 WIB, for the slope area it is the same, in the afternoon towards the afternoon there is still the potential for rain with moderate to heavy intensity. This is what needs to be our vigilance," he said.

Meanwhile, Plt. Head of the LAPAN Remote Sensing Application Research Center-National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Rokhis Khomarudin said after the eruption, Mount Semeru underwent a change in shape in the crater area to the southeastern slope.

According to USGS satellite imagery, the new opening of the lava flow was recorded as 710 meters long and 110 meters wide. This, he continued, was caused by the volcanic activity of Mount Semeru which occurred on Saturday, December 4 and caused land damage of up to 2,417.2 hectares.

The details of the area of land damage include 909.8 hectares of forest, 764.5 hectares of open land, 243.1 hectares of secondary forest, 161.5 hectares of agricultural land, 161.2 hectares of fields or fields, 77.9 hectares of plantations, 67 settlements, 8 hectares, 20.9 hectares of shrubs or shrubs and 10.4 hectares of water bodies.

"There has been a change at the top of Mount Semeru, a new lava flow," said Rokhis.

With this condition and the forecast for moderate to heavy rain, BNPB then asked the public to increase vigilance and preparedness. So, whatever the potential impact of aftershocks can be overcome.

"All teams on duty in the field for the search, evacuation, cleaning and other activities in the emergency response effort to always be alert and continue to monitor information from the Mount Semeru observation post or the Geological Agency," said Plt. Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari.

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