JAKARTA - The theft of a motorbike (curanmor) occurred in the yard of a resident's house, Pisangan Baru III Street, Matraman, East Jakarta.

The victim, Muhammad Jordan, said the theft was caught on a CCTV camera installed at the location.

According to him, there was a thief in action this morning at 04.00 western Indonesia time, which coincided with heavy rain. This was done to monitor the situation.

Then, after it was deemed safe, one of the perpetrators stepped down and entered a narrow alley, and grabbed a motorbike. The perpetrator is suspected of using the T key to damage the ignition of the motorcycle key so that the stolen motorcycle engine can start and finally the perpetrator fled.

"I don't know for sure what happened, only when I woke up at half-past 10 in the morning, there was a motorbike key, but the motorbike wasn't there," said Jordan to reporters, Tuesday, December 7.

He continued, Jordan admitted that at the time of the incident, the condition of the parking lot fence was not locked.

"Here (the parking lot) there were four motorbikes, then the fence was just slotted in, not locked," he said.

Then, as a result of the incident, his motorbike vanished and was stolen by a thief. He will also report the theft to the police.

"There were two perpetrators, both are men, who acted when it rained this morning," he said.

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