BANTEN - A total of 28 housing units in Kebun, Pangejahan Village, and Pangedangan Ilir Village, Kronjo District, Tangerang Regency, Banten, were damaged by strong winds and heavy rain on Monday, December 6.

"For what happened yesterday, Monday at around 18.00 WIB, the rain was very heavy. As a result, 28 houses in Pangejahan Village and 1 house in Pangedangan Ilir were damaged," said Kronjo Tibi sub-district head in Tangerang, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, December 7.

Of the 28 housing units affected by the strong winds, 14 of them were severely damaged and 14 were lightly damaged.

"Currently, some residents have fled, for their houses were heavily damaged. And some are still surviving. There were no casualties," he said.

His party and a team from the Tangerang Regency Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) have now evacuated residents affected by the disaster.

In addition, his party has also distributed food and beverage needs for affected residents. "All of the residents who have become our victims have been handled, they have been given assistance," he said.

In addition to the tornado that knocked down residents' houses, a number of family heads (KK) in the two village areas were also flooded by about 30 centimeters.

"Actually, it's just a puddle of water caused by yesterday's rain, and the height is only 30 centimeters. Hopefully now the water has receded today," he said.

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