JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police Precise Pioneer Patrol Team responded to public complaints related to the burglary against truck drivers passing through the Tomang area, West Jakarta. The officers immediately combed to the scene.

"The public reported to us an act of blasphemy against truck drivers passing at the Tomang traffic light, West Jakarta," said West Jakarta Metro Police Head of Samapta Kompol Rahmad Sujatmiko when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, December 5.

Due to reports of public unrest, a team under the leadership of the Head of Subunit for the Thug Hunting Team (TPP 2), Leader of Ipda Gregorius M Patria Tama moved directly to the scene of the incident.

"At the location, the team conducted a search but did not find the characteristics of the perpetrators of the burglary," said Kompol Rahmad.

It doesn't stop there. Then the team dug up information for street children who used to sing around the location.

"Patrol activities with two-wheeled vehicles will be carried out at certain hours so that incidents of thuggery like this don't happen again," he said.

"Don't hesitate to report it to us immediately," he said.

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