JAKARTA – The Leuwiliang Sector Police arrested a man with the initials JT because he was desperate to become a fake member of the Transportation Service. In its action, JT carried out illegal levies (Pungli) against a number of business actors in Bogor.

The Head of the Leuwiliang Police, Kompol Andriyanto, explained that this case was revealed after his party received a report from the public who claimed to be worried about extortion by a man wearing the Bogor Regency Transportation Service (Dishub) uniform. Based on the report, the police launched an investigation. As a result, JT was captured without any resistance.

"JT was secured along with evidence in the form of money amounting to Rp1,503,000, a receipt for payment of business service fees, 1 stamp, 2 ink cartridges, and a list of business actors," said Andriyanto, Saturday, December 4.

Based on the results of the examination, it turned out that JT was not a member of the Transportation Agency. JT only used the uniform he was wearing to carry out levy actions by handing over a retribution ticket.

As explained again by Andriyanto, JT admitted that he was not a member of the Bogor Regency Transportation Agency and had extorted business actors by handing them a retribution ticket in the form of proof of payment for business services.

Andriyanto said, based on JT's confession, the Bogor Regency Regional Regulation No. 29/2011 on business services was included in the ticket in which these business actors were asked for money ranging from Rp10 thousand to Rp100 thousand.

"We are still examining JT to find out if there are other actors who are asking for levies from business actors," he concluded.

The case is still under investigation by the Leuwiliang Police.

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