JAKARTA - The action of a woman screaming when the access road to the Horse Statue, Central Jakarta was blocked by Mobile Brigade personnel, went viral on social media.

While pointing, this woman was angry because her intention to join the 212 Reunion action was blocked by officers. In a high-pitched voice like an action orator, this woman in a white shirt and blue veil says this is her country.

"This is the people, this is my country, this is my country, don't push myself away," said the woman in a high tone.

She heard the voice of the officer beside her trying to calm her by denying that there was no expulsion from the apparatus to the mass action.

"No one kicked out ma'am," said the officer.

Seen around the woman are several officers with motorcycles in black, fully armed.

This video clip was shared by social media activist Permadi Arya alias Abu Janda on his Instagram reel, @permadiaktivis2, Thursday, December 2.

"Kadrun women wear no masks, they're angry, they can't go to the horse statue when the Brimob motorcycle brigade stops them. Brimob are cool, eat that drun!" wrote Abu Janda with a thumbs-up emoticon.


Share Roses

Apart from being angry, there were also women participating in the action who distributed roses to road users heading towards Monas.

Based on observations, it can be seen that a number of women who participated in the 212 Reunion distributed flowers to road drivers. Those who were not allowed to enter the Monas area, ended up crowding the side of the road while distributing flowers to motorists.

"Keep our spirits up. Our intention will not stop," explained the woman named Neli to VOI.

Neli said that the 212 action did not belong to Muslims alone but to everyone. This action is to strengthen national unity. "The struggle for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila remains upright. We are only conveying our rights and opinions," said Neli.

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