JAKARTA - The Regional Government (Pemda) of West Java Province is collaborating with the Regional Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) on the development of regional potential and public services through a two-cultural approach that is related to each other.

The joint agreement was signed directly by the Governor of West Java Mochamad Ridwan Kamil and the Governor of DIY Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X in the Prambanan Temple Area, Yogyakarta, Wednesday, December 1 night in the West Java Enchantment event, reported by the West Java Provincial Government website, Thursday, December 2.

The highlight of the Pesona Jabar night at Prambanan Temple was the closing agenda for Governor Ridwan Kamil in a series of working visits on the first day in the Special Region. And the governor and his entourage are planned to meet Sundanese people in Yogyakarta and also become resource persons at Gadjah Mada University (UGM).

Governor Ridwan Kamil revealed that his visit to Yogyakarta was at the invitation of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X to bring together the two Sundanese and Javanese cultures which have long historical values in the motherland as a symbol of the third precept, namely the unity of Indonesia.

"We feel we have to narrate a spirit of unity that is easy to say but difficult to implement," he said.

The figure of Sri Sultan according to Ridwan Kamil is as a parent who must be imitated. In leading his time, he succeeded in making history by presenting the names of Siliwangi Street and Pajajaran Street in Yogyakarta. On the other hand, there are Hayam Wuruk and Majapahit Streets behind the West Java Governor's office at Gedung Sate, Bandung City.

"Representing the people of West Java, I appreciate that it was during the time of Sri Sultan that the strengthening of the synergy of the two Javanese-Sundanese cultures was realized concretely," said Ridwan Kamil.

The cooperation between the two provinces on the island of Java is expected to bring the spirit of unity to all regions in Indonesia. According to him, this collaboration can be cooling and unite a spirit of Indonesian unity.

"Hopefully this cooperative visit can narrate the symbols of Java, Sunda," he added.

Later, to follow up on cultural cooperation between the two provinces, the Governor invited Sri Sultan to Bandung. It is known that in the past Sri Sultan had sweet memories in the city of Bandung in finding his soulmate. Panaitan Street witnessed the love story of Sri Sultan and Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hemas.

"We'll take a walk through Panaitan, later if the Sultan is pleased there is a nostalgic route when Kanjeng Ratu Hemas used to work with his parents in Bandung, Sri Sultan fell in love and then traveled around Bandung, maybe the air factor made a romantic drizzle," said the governor.

In response, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X assessed that this inter-provincial cooperation is important in improving governance towards a better direction to keep up with the times.

"This inter-provincial cooperation is important, especially public services and regional potential development," he said.

Sri Sultan also explained the Sundanese proverb for compassion, fostering, for the sake of creating a climate of cooperation that is mutually beneficial to both parties.

Kudu silih asih, silih asah jeung silih asuh is a Sundanese proverb that encourages us to love one another. Teach each other and take care of each other, in order to create a climate of peaceful cooperation. That is the purpose of the West Java governor's delegation to Yogyakarta," he explained.

According to him, this friendly visit was marked by cultural exchange. The Fascinating Culture of West Java is pioneering cooperation in tourism, culture, and the creative economy in the form of collaboration and strategies to rise together for the economic recovery of the two provinces.

"In addition, the signing of the MoU on the development of regional potential and improvement of public services. We must welcome this goodwill with an open heart and open arms,” he said.

Sri Sultan is also planned to arrive in Bandung on December 7 to follow up on the DIY-Jabar collaboration. Not only that, Sri Sultan was invited to tour by Kang Emil to remember his youth while pursuing the love of Kanjeng Ratu Hemas.

"I went to Bandung, the event was on the 7th around Bandung, nostalgic about the past," he concluded.

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