JAKARTA - Wild pigs troubled a golf club in England when they entered the course and injured a golfer, forcing the club to temporarily close its services.

Two large pigs recently walked onto the course at Lightcliffe Golf Club in Yorkshire, England, disrupting play and injuring several golfers who tried to chase them away.

They first appeared on Sunday, said club president Philip Marshall, trying to remember, though he told CNN Sport he didn't know where they had come from.

"One of our golfers saw these pigs on the course and tried to chase them away. He had an injury to his leg and had to go to A&E for treatment," Marshall said, citing CNN November 26.

"And they disappeared then, so we thought they were gone."

"On Tuesday, they came back, and they dug in the 18th hole course, tee first and then our director tried to kick one of them out. But they turned around and hurt his leg."

"So he had to go and get a tetanus shot, but he's fine. He really had a hole-in-one (Thursday) this morning! So there was no ill effect on him at all," Marshall said.

Although Marshall described the injuries as minor, the two went to the emergency room as a precaution as the injuries were caused by a wild animal.

Since the club members couldn't solve this problem on their own and caused the damage, they tried to get help from outsiders. Marshall said he called the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) and local police.

Police said coming to collect pigs was not their jurisdiction and the RSPCA would come and help if they could, but they were "very overwhelmed."

"What happened was I was there most of the day until dusk, and we managed to get them to the farthest corner of the field," Marshall said.

"So we took them to a corner and left them there. We couldn't get close to them, we closed the pitch because they were obviously dangerous."

"They ended up on Tuesday night by the roadside outside the golf club. They were put in a carrier and taken away. We don't know where they came from or what happened to them."

Lightcliffe has reopened to the public and is offering an added bonus to anyone who signs up to play.

"Anyone who orders online and comes and plays, we offer a free bacon sandwich," said Marshall.

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