JAKARTA - The suspects in the shooting terror case in Tangerang Raya, Banten, admit that they always act every weekend. The shooting terror has been carried out for two months.

"The pattern they do every weekend, Sunday night is above 10 pm," said South Tangerang Police Chief, AKBP Iman Setiawan to reporters, Tuesday, August 11.

In fact, each time they acted they could shoot more than one target. This action was planned by the perpetrators.

Iman said the suspects also shared roles. The suspect EV acts as the executor. Then, CLH and CHA act as drivers and designate the target.

"The weapons used have silencers too, sometimes if the situation is a bit far away, use the long barrel. This has been done since June," said Iman.

In addition, the shooting targets were determined randomly. They just go to a certain location by driving a car and get into action.

"It's completely random. So along the busy highway there are the targets of the perpetrators," he continued.

This series of shooting terror occurred in the Serpong area three times, in Pagedangan twice, and once each in the Cisauk and Kelapa Gading areas, Tangerang Regency.

Three terrorists were arrested at their respective homes on Monday, August 10. In addition, several airsoft guns were also confiscated as evidence.

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