YOGYAKARTA - Along with the current development, we can complete the document online by signing a barcode. So, what is the way to make the barcode signature? Watch it until it's finished, okay!

Simply by using digital files, a person can directly add their electronic signature using verified digital signatures.

In its use, digital signatures can be changed to a form of a barcode via a QR code generator. It could be that you are familiar with this technology that makes transactions easier on various online platforms.

How can the QR code generator actually be used to create a person's digital signature? Let's look at the explanation in more detail below.

What Is Barcode Signature?

Barcode signature is a form of symbol represented in the form of a box with black dots and white space. The points and other elements in the box function in showing the information in it.

This image is made through a QR code generator, an application or special site for creating various types of QR codes. In the context of barcode digital signatures, the QR code here is a 2-dimensional code used to obtain information about something when scanned.

Not only that, this barcode signature can be used as a form of electronic signature on digital or online documents. Its function is basically to improve the security of a person's identity and avoid the risk of signature forgery.

I. How to Make Barcode Signs on your cellphone

For smartphone users, both Android and iOS, you can try tutorials to create barcodes as ttd with the following steps:

II. Create Barcode Signatures Online

If you use a Desktop browser, here are the tutorials for practically creating barcode signatures online that you can try:

III. Create Barcode Signatures for Email

For those of you who want to create a barcode signature to be linked to your email body, follow the following steps:

IV. Make Barcode Signatures On Mekari Sign

Mekari Sign is an official digital signature application in Indonesia which also provides a signature feature in the form of a QR Code. Here are easy steps to make barcode signatures on Mekari Sign:

In addition, read also: 'How to Create a Barcode Location GMaps Address for Invitation'.

So after knowing how to make a barcode, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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