JAKARRTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) supports the law enforcement process that is firm, fair and provides a deterrent effect on cases of violence and harassment at the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) that befell an employee of the Central KPI.

The Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G.Plate said firmly that the violence that occurred in the work environment was a violation of human rights. Therefore, the Minister of Communication and Information supports the ongoing legal process so that perpetrators of violence can be punished with a deterrent effect.

“Harassment is a clear violation of the law and should not happen in the work environment. So there needs to be firm action so that there is a deterrent effect and it cannot be repeated," said Johnny as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 30.

The Ministry of Communications and Informatics conveyed its commitment to continue to oversee the cases experienced by MS in recent years as a victim of bullying and harassment within the Central KPI.

Regarding the investigation and investigation of the case, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology still submits it to the authorities involved in the case.

"The legal handling is currently underway, we leave it to the legal apparatus and the authorities. Of course, as the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, we are following the developments," said Johnny.

Cases of harassment and bullying within the Central KPI were revealed after MS shared a statement that he experienced bullying and harassment from his co-workers in the 2012-2020 period.

After the statement went viral, MS also ventured to report to the Central Jakarta Police for the unfortunate incident that he had to experience in a matter of years.

He has also attended examinations to resolve his case, including fulfilling invitations and investigations conducted by the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM).

On Monday, November 29, Komnas HAM finally submitted several recommendations for handling cases of harassment and bullying within the KPI.

The recommendation is in the form of the Central KPI being asked to make guidelines for dealing with sexual harassment until the recommendation is also addressed to the Ministry of Communications and Informatics which asks for an evaluation of the KPI structure considering that the institution is under the auspices of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.

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