MEDAN - Bobby Nasution's companion in the Medan Pilkada is now clear. Gerindra cadres will pair up with the son-in-law of President Jokowi as a candidate for the Medan mayor.

"For Bobby, I think that he will be accompanied by a young cadre from the Gerindra Party," said Djarot Saiful Hidayat, chairman of the PDI-P DPD North Sumatra, in a written statement to journalists, Monday, August 10.

Apart from Medan, PDIP will announce the candidate pairs for regional heads that will be carried in 12 other regions. According to him, PDIP will announce the candidates for regional head in Asahan, Simalungun, North Nias, Sibolga, Binjai, Tanjungbalai. Then Labuhanbatu Utara, Tobasamosir, Karo, Pakpak Bharat, Humanghasundutan and Niasbarat.

"The number of internal cadres in these areas is 90 percent," he added.

Djarot had received direct instructions from the head of PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri. He was asked to coordinate the strength of party organizations in order to win the elections.

"Building cooperation and synergistic collaboration between the power of the party machine and religious leaders, community leaders, coalition party leaders, and volunteers to win the 23 regional elections," he explained.

Djarot also appealed to party elements to consolidate their victory by going down to the community and absorbing aspirations.

Gerindra previously decided to carry Bobby Nasution in the Medan Pilkada. Gerindra urged its cadre, Aulia Rachman, to accompany Bobby Nasution. He'll run for deputy mayor of Medan.

"Gerindra has decided that Aulia Rachman will accompany Bobby Nasution," said Gerindra deputy head, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, Tuesday, August 4.

Aulia Rachman is also a member of the Medan City DPRD. He said that he's ready to carry out his party's mandate. Before appointed by the Gerindra DPP, Aulia had explored matters related to the Medan Pilkada.

"From the beginning, I kept my constituents long before the Pilkada. I adopted the language of Mr. Prabowo (the Chairperson of Gerindra), Gerindra created political fighters, not politicians. So these political fighters underlie my soul and I will raise the party," said Aulia, Tuesday, August 4.

Aulia admitted that he admires Bobby Nasution, who he considers as an "old friend". As a friend, Aulia admitted that he often communicated with Kahiyang Ayu's husband.

"Bobby is capable. The current identity of Medan isn't very good. I hope that under Bobby Nasution, Medan can change," he said.

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