The police stated that they would forcibly pick up the field coordinator of Pemuda Pancasila (PP) who was responsible for the case of a series of violent demonstrations in front of the MPR/DPR (People's Consultative Assembly/House of Representatives) Building. This will be done if the coordinator does not fulfill the summons for examination.

The Pemuda Pancasila coordinator was called by the police to come to the Metro Jaya Police today. He was asked to be responsible for the riots that led to the persecution of members of the Police.

"The Metro Police will call him, if he is not present we will pick him up by force", said the Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes E. Zulpan, to reporters, Friday, November 26.

The coordinator, said Zulpan, was asked to be held accountable because he was the one who asked the police for permission for the crowd.

"Our person in charge will ask for an answer from the field coordinator who asked for permission for the activity", he said.

It was previously reported that the person in charge of the demonstration from Pemuda Pancasila (PP) would be questioned. This summons was the aftermath of a riot in the persecution of police personnel.

The Pancasila Youth Organization on Thursday, November 25 demonstrated the leadership of Commission II of the House of Representatives, Junimart Girsang. They urged Junimart to apologize.

However, the action ended in chaos. One police officer was abused by a member of the Pemuda Pancasila mass organization. Police arrested 21 people in a riot that ended in chaos.

From the results of the examination, as many as 15 members of Pemuda Pancasila organizations were named suspects. They were found to be carrying sharp weapons.

In addition, the police also found two bullets and traced their origin.

The police also named a one suspect in connection with the abuse of police officers in front of the MPR/DPR building during a demonstration, Thursday, November 25.

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