LEBAK - As many as 422 housing units in Lebak Regency, Banten, were flooded due to the overflowing of the Cipedang River on Saturday, November 20. "Fortunately, the flood did not cause any casualties," said Head of the Lebak Regency BPBD Febby Rizky Pratama in Lebak, Saturday.
The flood that hit the Cipedang Wanasalam settlement, Lebak Regency, until Saturday night reached a height of 80 centimeters. Currently, the evacuation team is still in the field to help flood-affected residents.
The officers and volunteers deployed rubber boats to help. They are also the evacuation team to distribute basic material assistance to residents affected by the flood. "We hope that flood victims can meet their food needs and can sleep in appropriate places," he explained as quoted by Antara.
He said that of the 422 houses that were flooded, including Kampung Sinar Bakti, 92 houses were recorded, Suka Maju 102 were Pakbar houses. 56 houses, Cipedang Lio 60 houses, and Bangkong Reang 14 houses. "People's houses that were flooded are scattered in 11 RT, Cipedang Village, Wanasalam," he said.
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