JAKARTA - South Korea reported a record high of 3,292 new COVID-19 cases, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) said Thursday, as the country enters the first phase of 'living with COVID-19' through loosened restrictions.

An increase in cases is predicted by officials and experts, as many social distancing restrictions were lifted earlier this month after the country exceeded its COVID-19 vaccination target by 70 percent of its 52 million population. More than 78.5 percent are now fully vaccinated, including more than 90 percent of adults.

KDCA said the increase in serious cases was also driven by the reduced effect of the coronavirus vaccine given to vulnerable groups such as the elderly early in the process, leading to an increase in breakthrough infections.

As of Thursday, there were 506 serious cases, down slightly from the previous high of 522 reported the day before.

To blunt the spike, KDCA said on Wednesday it had decided to shorten the interval for giving booster injections for people aged 60 or older. As well as those who live or work in nursing homes and other vulnerable facilities for four months.

Hospital beds are being filled rapidly around the greater Seoul area, with only about 30 percent of intensive care units (ICUs) remaining available as of Wednesday.

korea selatan
Illustration of a COVID-19 quarantine center in South Korea. (Wikimedia Commons/Bonnielou2013)

KDCA said it would consider issuing a circuit breaker on loosened distance restrictions if more than 75 percent of ICU beds are used nationally and other factors pose a high risk.

At the same time, more than half a million South Koreans are taking the annual national college entrance exam today, with pandemic rules adding pressure to the eight-hour event seen as life-defining in Asia's fourth-largest economy.

This year's test takers did not face the delays and uncertainties of last year's first pandemic era exam, but COVID-19 measures have left their mark on the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) which is widely regarded as indispensable, to obtain one of the limited number of jobs in a competitive society.

"I can't go to private institutes, study rooms, or schools properly because of the Coronavirus", said 17-year-old Ahn Jeong-min".

"Still, I was vaccinated and everyone will wear a face mask and use a partition during the exam, so I think I can take the exam well, feeling comfortable rather than worrying a lot".

More than 509,000 high school students, graduates, and others have registered to take the one-day, five-session exam held at 1,251 national exam sites, according to the education ministry.

To note, at least 173 people who have tested positive for the Coronavirus or require isolation will take the test at a separate hospital or testing center, the ministry said.

All community activities are adjusted, to help the test-takers, with the country's financial markets opening an hour later than usual to ease traffic.

Commercial air traffic is scheduled to be halted during a critical period in the afternoon, with warplanes from the South Korean and US militaries to be grounded, and live-fire drills closed throughout the day, officials said.

"We're doing our part to cut down on distractions, so you can maintain your score!" US-Korea Forces (USFK), which includes some 28,500 American troops stationed in South Korea, wrote on Twitter.

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