JAKARTA - The General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto's rebuke to his subordinates, Fadli Zon, has attracted public attention. On the one hand, as a coalition party, on the other hand, as a member of the council, they must supervise.

A political observer from the Indonesian Education University (UPI), Karim Suryadi, believes that what Gerindra is experiencing is a form of partisan dilemma. However, Fadli's critical attitude towards the government is considered in accordance with the functions of members of the DPR RI.

In fact, according to him, this is usually experienced by members of other political parties who are members of the coalition supporting the government. Gerindra is no exception.

Even though they are the same, Karim believes that the political stance taken can be different. It can be seen from what Fadli Zon has done, because he chose to remain critical of the government because his position as a member of the DPR is tasked with overseeing the government's performance.

"The decision of his party to enter into a coalition of parties supporting the government cannot take away the inherent supervisory function as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives," said Karim, Wednesday, November 17.

However, according to Karim, other legislators who are part of the government's supporting forces may take a different stance from Fadli Zon.

"They are in agreement no matter what policy is taken. In fact, they will be busy defending the government's attitude and policies," he said.

On the other hand, Karim believes that Prabowo's reprimand to Fadli Zon may not be at the request of the government, but rather an interpretation of the propriety of the leadership of the coalition parties supporting the government.

According to him, criticism of the government is a form of supervision and is in accordance with the constitution. This means, said Karim, that some people read the attitude that joining the government must agree to every policy taken by the government and stop anything that can damage the relationship between the coalition political parties and the government.

"But interpretations like this are never monolithic. In every political party there are always parties who disagree with it. So, political parties' attitudes towards the government are always flexible and it takes time to finalize it," he said.


Reprimand for Fadli Zon's Criticism Doesn't Mean Gerindra's Silence

Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, said that the warning given by General Chairman Prabowo Subianto to Fadli Zon could not be interpreted as an attempt to silence critical voices of party cadres.

Instead, he said, Prabowo Subianto asked Gerindra Party cadres, especially those sitting in the DPR RI, to remain critical in terms of monitoring the government's performance.

"In general, our names are in the parliament overseeing the government, it's okay to be all (critical)," said Habiburokhman at the Nusantara II Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, November 15.

It's just that, he continued, good criticism should be packaged in polite language and not try to corner certain personalities.

"The statement should be wrapped in the right sentence, not cornering other parties, let alone personal," he concluded.

As is known, Fadli Zon, who is also the Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, received a reprimand from Prabowo for a tweet on Twitter containing satire to President Jokowi about the inauguration of the Mandalika Circuit and the flooding in Sintang, West Kalimantan.

In the midst of the euphoria of the inauguration of the international standard circuit in Mandalika, said Fadli Zon, other areas in Indonesia are still experiencing a lot of flooding.

One of the people mentioned by Fadli is Sintang, West Kalimantan which has been flooded for days.

"It's amazing, sir. Congratulations on the inauguration of the Mandalika Circuit. When are you going to Sintang, it's been 3 weeks since the flood has subsided," Fadli Zon quipped as quoted on his Twitter account, Saturday, November 13.

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