BANDA ACEH - Child rapists in Aceh Besar, Aceh, fled after being convicted and sentenced to 200 months in prison through the decision of the Supreme Court (MA) in the cassation decision. The rape convict is now on the wanted list (DPO) of the Aceh Besar Kejari.
"Yes, that's right, he is a DPO after being sentenced to 200 months in prison on the Supreme Court's appeal," said the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Aceh Besar Kejari, Shidqi Noer Salsa, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 16.
Kajari Aceh Besar said the DPO named DP (35) was a convict in a criminal case of rape as referred to in Article 47 in conjunction with Article 50 of Aceh Qanun Number 6 concerning Jinayat Law.
Shidqi said his party had not yet received information on the whereabouts of the convicts. The Prosecutor's Office asked the public who saw it to immediately notify the prosecutor's office.
"We have made all persuasive efforts (meeting his family), but so far it is not clear where he is, we continue to look for him," said Shidqi.
Previously, the defendant's uncle with the initials DP was convicted by the judges of the Jantho Syari'ah Court with a sentence of 200 months in prison or 16 years and eight months.
However, at the appeal level, the defendant was acquitted by the Syar'iyah Court of Aceh Province with case number 7/JN/2021/MS. Aceh on 20 May 2021.
Then, based on the decision of the Aceh Syar'iyah Court, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Aceh Besar District Court made an appeal to the Supreme Court.
Then, the Supreme Court again sentenced the defendant DP to 200 months in prison through a cassation decision Number 8 K/Ag/JN/2021.
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