Pertamina Cilacap Tank Fire Spreads To Politics Drags Erick Thohir, PDIP Requests Investigation
Tank fire at Cilacap Oil Refinery (Photo: DOK ANTARA)

JAKARTA - For the second time, a fire has occurred in a tank in the Cilacap refinery area owned by PT Pertamina in the last five months. The latest case took place on Saturday, November 13, where a tank containing Pertalite products caught fire.

Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan Indonesian (PDI-P) faction in the Indonesia House of Representatives also highlighted the fire which was strongly suspected to have been caused by a lightning strike. PDIP requested that the Ministry of SOEs under the leadership of Erick Thohir and PT Pertamina conduct a thorough investigation.

Member of Commission VII House of Representatives, Adian Napitupulu, said this investigation was important to stop the wild ball of issues developing in the community. In particular, the Minister of SOEs, Erick Tohir, who is 'flirty', wants to run as a presidential candidate in 2024.

"There are allegations that this is lightning, there are allegations that this is sabotage, there are allegations that this is a human error if this sabotage is sabotaging this group, its interests are. My question is, how do we make sure that what really happened? How do we stop this so it doesn't turn into a wild ball? The firmness of the Ministry of SOEs and Pertamina's directors will immediately act and take responsibility for their staff", said Adian in the PDIP Faction Room, Monday, November 15.

According to Adian, those responsible are not the distribution of drilling directors. But some parties are specifically responsible for the safety of the refinery.

"Who are the directors of the refinery? What kind of accountability is required", said Adian.

Adian emphasized that PDIP urges the competent state apparatus to carry out investigations and investigations. Also, immediately move as quickly as possible to audit and check the cause of the fire.

"This is to stop speculation so that speculation doesn't appear too far away. The sooner the investigation produces more valid information, the sooner we can stem the speculation so it doesn't go wild", said Adian Napitupulu.

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