JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran highlighted his members not to violate traffic rules. Because, recently many violations were actually committed by members of the Police.

"Don't let us, as members of the National Police, commit violations, such as using a noisy exhaust," said Fadil at the Metro Jaya Police, Monday, November 15.

Because of that, Fadil warned all his staff to put themselves in order first before anyone else. Moreover, the traffic police (polantas) is a reflection of society in traffic.

"I hope all members bring order to themselves before bringing order to the community," said Fadil.

Apart from that, the two-star general reminded all his members to be vigilant. Because, in the current rainy season, accidents often occur on duty and others.

"We have entered the rainy season, take care of personal health and safety in carrying out tasks. Stay alert and apply the body system," said Fadil.

For information, Metro Jaya Police together with the Provincial Government (Pemprov) and the TNI will hold Operation Zebra Jaya. The operation will last for two weeks.

Operation Zebra will start on Monday, November 15 to November 28. However, in later operations, it will not be centered on one point. This is because the patrol pattern is carried out moving in a number of points prone to traffic violations that will be implemented.

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