Bobby Nasution Answers Criticism Of The 300 Scholarship Program: Unpri Provides CSR Assistance
Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution/PHOTO: Satria H-VOI

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution spoke about the 300 scholarship program at the Prima Indonesia University. The scholarship program has received a lot of criticism from various parties.

According to Bobby Nasution, the program is prioritized for COVID-19 victims who do not have the money to continue their education.

"We talked about this yesterday because Prima Indonesia University wanted to provide their CSR assistance. The victims of covid are prioritized, the orphans who don't have the money to continue their education are prioritized", said Bobby Nasution after reviewing the implementation of the scholarship exam at the Prima Indonesia University, Sekip Street, Medan, Thursday, November 11.

President Jokowi's son-in-law stressed that the program was not an activity that used the Medan City Government's budget.

"This is not a policy or program of the Medan City Government, later don't ask where the money comes from, what kinds of money. Why Prima Indonesia University and all kinds of things. If you use government money, the basis must be clear", said Bobby Nasution.

"If this is personal, Bobby Nasution, we will cooperate with Prima Indonesia University", he continued.

Therefore, Bobby Nasution also opened up opportunities for other campuses in Medan City to do this.

"If there are other campuses that want to give a discount, go ahead. For those who want to give a discount for scholarships, for example, one person for one semester costs IDR 5 million, Prima Indonesia University wants to give a discount, so IDR 2-2.5 million is what I can afford. If other campuses want to give discounts, please", continued Bobby Nasution.

While in the implementation of this scholarship exam, Bobby Nasution emphasized that the health protocols will still be applied strictly. This is because, he said, more than 900 people participated in this scholarship program and the exams were conducted in stages.

"We are still in the COVID-19 situation, we were also at a distance. Because there are more than 900 registered, we are taking the tests in stages, we still follow the health protocol", said Bobby Nasution.

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