JAKARTA - The Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has determined the meaning of jihad and the model of caliphate leadership based on the results of the three-day ijtimak of ulama in Jakarta.

The chairman of the MUI Fatwa Commission, Asrorun Niam Soleh, said that the MUI rejects views that deliberately obscure the meaning of jihad, but also rejects that jihad is only interpreted as war.

Niam explained that in a peaceful situation, jihad is carried out by means of earnest and sustainable efforts to maintain and elevate the religion of Allah SWT with good and corrective activities.

"In a war situation, jihad is still relevant in the context of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia by taking up arms to defend the country's sovereignty," Niam said in an official statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 11.

Regarding the caliphate, Niam emphasized that the caliphate is not the only model of leadership in Islam.

He explained that the leadership model in Islam also includes the kingdom, sultanate, and republic model as applied in Indonesia. The Ijtimak Ulama of the MUI Fatwa Commission which lasted three days in Jakarta discussed 17 issues, including the issue of jihad and caliphate, criteria for blasphemy of religion, as well as a review of taxes, customs, and levies.

In addition, the scholars discussed issues of general election, distribution of land for equity and welfare, the law of crypto currency, the law of online marriage contracts, and the law of online loan services.

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