The General Election Commission (KPU) of West Java said that six officers from the polling group (KPPS) in West Java died in the middle of the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) process.
"Six of our fellow organizers at the KPPS level who died during the 2024 Pilkada process. The location is in Karawang, Bogor Regency, Majalengka, Bandung Regency, and we provide two more data," said West Java KPU chairman Ummi Wahyuni in Bandung, Antara, Thursday, November 28.
The victims of KPPS officers who died during the Pilkada process in 2024, said Ummi, were not only caused by the fatigue factor while on duty or accident, but most of them were due to congenital illness.
"Most of them are actually not just fatigue factors, but there are those who are sick, and because of their enthusiasm they want to continue to carry out their duties, they force them. But these six each have causes, there are also no accidents," said Ummi.
Regarding the 2024 Pilkada in West Java, Ummi said that in general, this regional-level democratic party was running smoothly.
"We thank all stakeholders who have provided their support. If we look at 27 regencies/cities, thank God everything went smoothly and as evidenced by the majority of polling stations there was no delay regarding the implementation of voting and vote count (P2S)," said Ummi.
Ummi said that his party also hopes that the 2024 Pilkada process will not only occur during the voting, but also continue at the voting stage.
"We also hope that the process that has been smooth will not only be done today. But also during the vote count which then tiered to the district/city level to a maximum of December 16, 2024 and to the recapitulation of results at the provincial level," said Ummi.
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