YOGYAKARTA - The COVID-19 Handling Task Force in Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) has stopped face-to-face learning (PTM) in one of the high schools in Wates District. This follows the findings of 9 students who were confirmed to have COVID-19 from the results of a random swab test.

A spokesperson for the Kulon Progo COVID-19 Task Force, Baning Rahayujati, said that since Monday, November 8 until today, health workers from the Health Service have conducted swab tests on schools that hold face-to-face learning.

The target of the random swab test was from elementary to high school with a total of 5.737 students spread across several sub-districts such as Temon, Wates, and Kalibawang.

"The results that have come out of the swab test in Temon District for Maarif Elementary School as many as 34 samples taken randomly are all negative. Then, in Kalibawang District for Elementary School as many as 33 samples, the results have not come out. In Wates District in one of the SMA there are nine positives out of 87 samples sent from students," said Baning in Kulon Progo, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, November 10.

She said, from the results of the random swab test, the Health Service together with the High School Education Center had coordinated with the school because the positivity rate was more than five percent, so face-to-face learning was not carried out for the next 15 days or back to online learning.

As many as 9 students were positive, the details were Nanggulan, two for Pengasih, three for Wates, one for Sentolo, and one for Kokap.

"This morning we were only able to carry out tracing to three children, and these children were spread across seven classes. The three children we managed to trace this morning, we carried out an examination of 126 contacts from three children including classmates and teachers who interacted in the last three days," she said.

Baning explained that based on the results of interviews with the three children who had been traced, information was obtained that there was one child who in the past week traveled to a mall in Yogyakarta. While the other two children admitted that they did not go anywhere in the same period of time.

"From the school, we return it to the public health center (puskesmas) where the child is domiciled to do "tracing" in his home and environment. These nine children are classified as asymptomatic people (OTG)," she said.

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