JAKARTA - Israel's national intelligence agency (Mossad) says it has foiled several attacks by Iran against Israeli tourists and businessmen in at least three African countries, Channel 12 reported on Sunday evening.
According to the report, the targets were Israelis visiting Tanzania, Senegal and Ghana.
Mentioning the attack carried out by Iran, five suspects were reportedly arrested, all of them African passport holders.
Iran is said to have attempted to 'attack' Israel at sea, using cyberattacks and by attacking Israelis abroad.
There has been a shadow war going on between the countries for decades, but Iran's efforts have spiked since November 2020, after the Islamic Republic's top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was assassinated, allegedly by Mossad.
In addition, Iran accused Mossad of sabotaging its nuclear facilities in July 2020 as well as in April and June this year.
The Jerusalem Post and foreign outlets have also reported on Israeli intelligence assistance in the US operation, against the head of the US Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force Qasem Soleimani in January 2020.
In early October, several Israeli officials accused Tehran of trying to kill Israeli citizens in Cyprus, something Tehran also tried in 2012.
Meanwhile, around the same period in 2012, there were Iranian plots to target Israel in Thailand, India, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kenya.
To note, in January, Iranian proxies tried to attack Israeli diplomats in India.
Israeli intelligence officials have predicted that Iran will continue to target Israelis and Jews in places where they believe security is weaker, at least until they feel they have achieved some amount of revenge and deterrence against Israeli attacks on Iran.
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