JAKARTA - Singer Saipul Jamil reported the psychologist Lita Gading to the Metro Jaya Police. The report relates to allegations of defamation.

"(Complaints) related to the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions, defamation," said Saipul Jamil's lawyer, Farhat Abbas to reporters, Monday, November 8.

In the complaint, Lita Gading is said to have used inappropriate words, such as predators and pedophiles. In fact, the context of her statement only criticized the welcoming moment of his client from prison.

"It's too late. To protest the problem of the welcome, which we think is normal, really. It's greeted with good flowers, if it's greeted with broken eggs, it's not a problem," said Farhat.

Moreover, Lita, who is a psychologist, must put forward a professional code of ethics. Where, should not corner someone and must be objective.

"She (Lita) claims that she is a psychologist, if that's the case, a psychologist should not slander him arbitrarily. A psychologist has a code of ethics," said Farhat.

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