JAKARTA - A SOE official named Aris Kadarisman (45) died after being a victim of a hit-and-run on Pangeran Antasari Street, South Jakarta. After the incident, the Head of Traffic for the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Edi Suprianto, said that his party had conducted a crime scene investigation (TKP).

In processing the crime scene, his party used the traffic accident analysis (TAA) method.

"Today is the second crime scene processing. Today we are doing an analysis with a 3D scanner where we analyze the 3D scanner before, when it happened, and after it happened", said Edi to reporters, Saturday, November 6.

According to Edi, the second crime scene is aimed at tracing the chronology of the events of the deadly accident. With the 3D scanner, the sequence of events will be depicted in the form of an animated video.

The description will be used by officers in analyzing the causes to the chronology of the fatal accident.

"After that, we will collect it and we will print out the results for an analysis and then we will analyze it. We will try to make it as fast as possible", he said.

From the crime scene this time, Edi said, his party found six points in related locations when the victim was hit by the perpetrator.

Furthermore, to strengthen these findings, his party has also taken another CCTV at the location today.

"But we still need time for our analysis", he said.

However, Edi explained, until now his party has not identified the perpetrator of the hit and run that killed Aris Kadarisman.

Meanwhile, the Head of Sub-Directorate for Law Enforcement, Traffic Directorate, Metro Jaya Police, AKBP Argo Wiyono, has named the driver of the black pickup truck as the suspect who hit the victim.

"The status of our crasher has been determined as a suspect under Article 310 paragraph 4 Juncto 312 for running away", said AKBP Argo.

Until now, investigators are still investigating the identity of the suspect. One of them is by analyzing video surveillance cameras or CCTV at the scene.

"His identity is not yet available, so we are still waiting for the results of the CCTV footage test at the Laboratory and Forensic Center", he said.

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