JAKARTA - Friday, May 28, Abdee Slank was officially appointed as Independent Commissioner of PT Telkom Indonesia. This decision was made by the Minister of BUMN, Erick Thohir through the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS).

Abdee's name became a concern because he was known through the music world. His work in the industry is unquestionable.

Through the latest facts, the figure of Abdee has long been active in the world of business and community organizations. Many social activities are also carried out by this man whose real name is Abdi Negara Nurdin.

In the music industry, Abdee doesn't just play the guitar. He co-founded Importmusic.com to help Indonesian independent musicians.

In addition he also started the record label Maleo Musik, TIPS Innovation, GIVE.ID, NSA, and others.

Abdee took part in organizing the 2 Finger Salam Concert in 2014 which also brought the Mental Revolution Movement to be known by the public. He has been a supporter of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) since 2014 and was rumored to be in the creative field.

From a government perspective, Abdee was also involved as the Bekraf Formation Team and Bekraf Senior Advisor in 2014-2015. Not only behind the scenes, he was also the Keynote Speaker for the Asia Pacific Media Forum (APMF) 2015.

In the field of sports, Abdee served as CEO of Celebes Football Club 2015 and became an Advisor for the 2018 Asian Games.

The man who was born on June 28, 1968 is listed as one of the producers for the 2018 Asian Games Theme Song album. Although active in various fields, in 2015, he was on leave from several activities due to end-stage kidney failure.

After that in 2016, Abdee was active again with Slank and released the longing to appear in front of fans.

His various contributions and journeys in the world of entertainment and politics are one of the reasons why Abdee Negara was elected as Independent Commissioner of PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk.

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