JAKARTA - The talented young talent, Jaz Rowe, officially debuted on a single titled 'Unusual' under the Wecord Evermore label. This song invites listeners to experience Long Distance Relationship (LDR) from a different point of view.

In this 'Unusual' single, Jaz Rowe expressed his views on LDR which are often considered difficult.

"This song tries to promote selfish actions (selflessness) rather than egoism," said Jaz in a written broadcast received by VOI, January 10.

He believes that by understanding your partner's feelings, relationships can become calmer and stronger. Many people only focus on their own feelings while undergoing LDR, such as feeling of longing, struggle, and desire for certainty. However, when we stop thinking about ourselves and try to understand your partner's feelings, things can change," he explained.

This song started with Jaz's demonstration with Jemsi. In the production process, he collaborated with Barsena Bestandhi as vocal director and Kenny Gabriel as producer.

Jaz is also fully involved in writing lyrics inspired by his personal experience. "Personal experience really helps shape the emotions outlined in the lyrics. I want this song to be relatable and help people through the days when they feel alone," explained Jaz.

Talking about the video clip, for this 'Unusual' single took the shooting location at Jungle House, Bali, a place that has fond memories of Jaz.

"It's very special to be able to record my first music video in a favorite place," he said enthusiastically. As a young singer aged 23, Jaz hopes that the song can be well received by Indonesian listeners.

"Hopefully this will be a positive start on my journey in the Indonesian music industry and I can continue to work consistently," said Jaz.

In the future, Jaz also plans to release more catchy and uplifting music, with touching lyrics. Jaz Rowe's first page 'Unusual' can be heard across digital streaming platforms in Indonesia, while the video clip is also available on the Wecord Evermore Youtube account.

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