JAKARTA - My Chemical Romance guitarist Frank Iero uploaded a long and touching message on his personal Instagram account. Uploaded on December 4, he addressed the letter to the late Bob Bryar, his former band mate who had died.
Bryar was found lifeless in a rotting body condition. This made the members, family and fans very devastated.
Frank remembers his musical counterpart as a figure who was quite close to him. The tragic departure also gave him a shock therapy.
"Still can't believe this is real... people like you, your peers, people who have shared time and experiences with you, shouldn't suddenly leave your life forever... but I don't think irreversibility is a concept that should be understood by humans," Frank Iero wrote in an Instagram post.
During his career together, Frank sometimes felt he was very close to the deceased. But at some point he also admitted that he was very far away.
"BC Bryar is a lot of things. It's a puzzle because he's often at both ends of the spectrum at the same time. He's a friend and bandmate of mine, but he's also a foreigner to me for most of my life. We've been living together for a while, on the road and off the street... but after the band we've never been in touch for months until I send him a text message "happy birthday!" or suddenly he contacted me asking how much children are now or asking how my father is feeling," he continued.
Frank Iero's closeness to Bryar makes him trusted to deliver the news that Bryar was expelled from the band. Since then the drummer has increasingly isolated himself from the outside world.
As a former bandmate and close friend, Frank Iero hopes Bob Bryar will anchor in peace.
"Finally it was me who had to tell him he left the band. He isolated himself after that. I tried to contact him several times over the years, but he politely made it impossible. I don't think I could ever tell him I'm sorry, I don't know if it's important... but I really hope I finish the text conversation we had in September. I hope you find peace, BC," he concluded.
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