JAKARTA - Maudy Ayunda admitted that she had experienced a period of saturation with music. This feeling was obtained when working on the fourth studio album with the title 'One Day' which was just released.
The process of working on an album that took about a year and a half, said Maudy, gave her a lot of understanding stemming from the reflections made.
"So something I just realized in this process, that saturation might happen because I'm still looking for it," Maudy said during a hearing session of the album at Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, December 3.
Maudy felt that the previous process was more focused on searching for honest sounds and music.
"So it's a long process, from the first album, second album, to the third album, to finally find out what kind of honesty I mean from music, what kind of songs I want to write and what I want to convey," he said.
"Once it's found, it feels more fluid, and that's how I feel on this album (One Day) than previous albums."
The 29-year-old songwriters felt the saturation of music they had experienced, finished after the fourth studio album was completed.
"It turned out that the sense of ownership and honesty finally made me get out of that boredom," he said.
The album 'One Day' contains ten songs, where Maudy writes nine songs, while one other song is written by Dee Lestari.
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