JAKARTA - Soloist from Bandung, Ravi Andika again greeted Indonesian music lovers by introducing his new single entitled "Bedtime Stories".
This song is the fourth release throughout 2024, which signifies its consistency in work. Previously, Ravi had launched MYTHOMANIA, 123, and My Heaven.
The Bedtime Stories was written and produced directly by Ravi, with the help of Putra Prastyo (Closehead) as a co-producer.
Through this single, Ravi Andika wants to remind her listeners not to be afraid to choose to take a short break from the problems they face, and try to tell them to people they trust.
This awareness was chosen by Ravi after trying to see many cases where people prefer to live individually, which makes it difficult to connect.
What he wants to convey in this song is actually quite simple, everyone who has problems or burdens of life, should share this with people he believes in. Maybe it's not a solution to the problem, but at least it can be mitigating," Ravi Andika said in his statement, Friday, November 29.
Meanwhile, this single is worked on with pop sensibilities that are still similar to 123 and My Heaven, but the atmosphere is delivered differently, more contemplative, with the melody playing and the slow tempo.
Ravi chose a light melody with a song chart that was not long-winded, ending with the sound of the faded song. He wanted the song to have an impression to accompany the listeners.
The arrangement and instrumentation in this single are made in line with Ravi's approach in lyric writing. He prefers light diction to be connected to many people.
The Bedtime Stories can already be enjoyed on various music streaming platforms. This single is also a sign for Ravi Andika's larger music project, and will soon be summarized and completed.
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