JAKARTA - Singers from South Korea, G-Dragon received a lot of praise with his comeback through a new single titled 'POWER'.
Not only because of his music, the leader of the Big Bang has received praise for his collaboration with EMPIRE, an independent music label founded by Ghazi Shami, a Palestinian businessman based in the United States.
"G-Dragon is a cultural force that builds the foundation of K-Pop's global dominance," said Ghazi Shami, in a written broadcast to VOI, recently.
"This collaboration is in line with EMPIRE's mission to collaborate with musicians who form future global music," he continued.
Ghazi himself is known as a figure who has been so vocal against Israel's occupation of Palestine, especially what is happening in Gaza's territory.
"I'm actually not a fan, but really a G-Dragon! This means you are also on the Palestinian side, it's an honor, proud!" wrote a netizen on X.
"Wow, if this is true... then G-Dragon is the only world-class K-Pop star I know that has publicly shown its support for Palestine so far," wrote another netizen.
"He could have signed a contract with a big label but he chose an independent label that supports Palestine," wrote another netizen.
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