Pongki Barata has lived and settled in Bali since 2016. The bassist of The Dance Company admitted that he was hard on the Island of the Gods, and did not think about returning to Jakarta.

One of the reasons is that his creativity in music is not disturbed at all. In fact, the 46-year-old musician feels very productive to produce new works.

"In 2016 my wife and I decided to move from Jakarta to Bali to pull over for a while. Then what we wanted was a long vacation, so we lived there," said Pongki when met in Kemang, South Jakarta some time ago.

"Everything I have in Jakarta, I live, I move to Bali 100 percent. The ID card is already in Bali. Well, there I feel a different wind, so I have time," he added.

Pongki took one example where the distance to drive in Bali is much shorter than Jakarta, so that free time can be used to work on his music project.

"If you look at the work I produce, if you look at my YouTube, it's almost every month at least one work comes out. So it never stops producing in terms of work," he said.

Although a lot of musical work is related to people in Jakarta, the current technology allows Pongki to keep doing his job.

Firmly, the former Jikustik ensures that what he is currently doing is still the same as what he did when he was still making music in Jakarta.

My main job is still from music, still from singing, so for work nothing has changed. From me starting to be professional in 1996 until now, nothing has changed from my activities. The difference maybe I can better regulate which jobs I want to take and which ones don't," he concluded.

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