JAKARTA - Almost a year Megadeth has been running with its new guitarist, Teemu Mywantysaari. The 37-year-old guitarist joined the band after Kiko Loureiro decided to resign and vacuum.

It didn't take long for Msuntysaari to blend with other personnel. The natural musical abilities it has have helped him adapt quickly.

"Oh my God, he has extraordinary talent. And as a human being, he is a very humble person," said Dave Mustaine, Megadeth's vocalist, in a recent interview with Kyle total.

The Megadeth frontman said M Wayntysaari was a fun person to hang out with.

"He made things very fun because he has changed from a band member who is quite famous for being a member of Megadeth," Mustaine said.

"So, everything is very new for him at this level. And for us, we can enjoy ourselves, because sometimes we forget where we are," he continued.

Regarding how big the change in guitarist changed Megadeth's musical style, the 62-year-old vocalist replied, "Yes, it depends on who the new players are. If they are willing to learn the parts, then the songs will stay in place or be better."

And often when you have a new player, like when Teemu comes in, he plays everything exactly the same as the original player. So, he was one of the best guitar players to come in and play other people's songs.

With what he said, Mustaine confirmed that Megadeth and guitarist Teemu M Wayntysaari had been working on some new material.

"Yes, we have dissected the songs," said the vocalist.

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