JAKARTA - Archa, a music group from Maluku introduced his latest musical work on August 10 entitled Ten. This song is a story about humans.

Membering Delon Imlabla (bass), Jemmi Radjabaycolle (flute, tahunri, sequencer), Eirene Marpay (kalabasa, bulwaras, bells), and Ryan Suneth (djembe, tifa, darbuka) explore traditional/modern instruments. They prioritize vocal strength with lyrics in the earth languages in Maluku as a material for filling our listening with sounds they call mental music'.

Without the need for complicated progression, the focus of the listener is directed towards a dimension. Through excerpts of guitar and background music in intense spiritual frequency, the beatings begin to come in slowly. Simple rhythm, even easy to follow by the sound clak klok' the mouth of a 4-year-old boy who listens to it. He rapalkan the rhythm along with the song Ten.

The song Ten played without feeling almost five minutes passed. The first lines of the five lines in the lyrics of the song Ten all took the form of reflective questions. Departing from cultural awareness, this song consciously invites humans to look far into the future while carefully arranging the steps today.

The song Ten is a measurable reflection of tragedy as a possibility. The springs could turn into tears, if the soil was crushed. From the start, the earth was the mother who gave birth to human children as siblings. However, this brotherhood can easily turn into a futile feud, if the human children forget the sacred bonds and noble values, then are busy competing to pursue who is the biggest among them," Jemmi explained in a written broadcast.

The lyrics of the song Ten are written in Teuwa, the old language of Yamahaipate, Ulahahan Country, on Seram Island. Chalvin Papilaya (1992-2023) wrote the lyrics of this song and then worked on his music with Archa, who at that time was still in trio form (Delon Imlabla, Chalvin Papilaya, Art Waifitu).

"In the translation of Indonesian that he left, there are several words and key phrases that he still copied in Teuwa. It was only during a long conversation with Art Waiftu that the younger brother and friend of Chalvin, who accompanied him while in the Land of Ulahahahah, that Archa received clarity about the meaning of words, phrases, as well as the context of culture and meaning," said Jemmi.

Ten means crying, and that's the first song for all human children. This song is dedicated to listeners and to a life that we don't have to cry once or twice, but we still love and fight for it.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)