JAKARTA - Planning with measurable targets is an important thing that a musician or music group must have to start their journey in the music industry. This was conveyed by Noor Kamil, the manager of Pamungkas.

Based on his experience of managing Pamungkas, Noor mentioned the need for a musician to have performance indicators (KPI)

"I suggest that I have a target, there must be a measurable KPI," said Noor Kamil at a Bisik event held by FESMI in Thamrin, Central Jakarta recently.

"You can't, for example, want to go viral or for example, want to be cool. A target like that can't be done," he added.

Noor suggests setting a target that can be assessed with clear numbers, such as the number of followers on social media (followers), total song listeners on digital streaming services (monthly listeners), and the total shows that have been followed for a month.

However, the targets set must also be ceratistic as possible.

"Yes, we did it step by step, not directly," he said.

For novice musicians or music groups, Noor said, it doesn't matter if you only have a few fans. However, the musician must provide the best for his fans, so that they also want to support the musicians' entire activities.

"Now, I think I got 50 fans, but really loyal fans, it's really okay," said Noor.

"Now if there are 50 fans, he buys merchandise, t-shirts, CDs, I think money can be used for recording again," he concluded.

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