JAKARTA - Nina Tamam is one of the names in the music industry who is still working with new releases. The journey has been quite long, starting from the vocal group Warna which was formed in the mid-1990s.

Her last name cannot be separated from the big name of her father, Tamam Husein. Is Nina just carrying on her father's big name? It seems that question is no longer relevant if you look at what she has done throughout her 29 year musical career.

Until now, Nina is still active in music with the music groups Warna and 5 Wanita. However, in 2024, she will also continue her creative canvass solo.

By releasing a new single entitled "Lebur", Nina Tamam shows herself as a true artist who continues to explore and strives to give the best of her natural talent.

Eksklusif Nina Tamam (Foto: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)
Exclusive, Nina Tamam (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

"If you ask what else you want to achieve, there's nothing. I just want to explore. As long as I can and there is someone who helps me explore, I'm really happy," said Nina Tamam during a recent visit to the VOI office in Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta.

“Lebur” shows a different side of Nina Tamam. If you have been known for mostly upbeat songs, this time it comes with a noir feel. This song has a broad meaning and also plays a role in what is called 'melting'.

Eksklusif Nina Tamam (Foto: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)
Exclusive, Nina Tamam (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

"The point is, just merge, merge with whatever it is, whether it's merging with a partner, like married people or dating, it's two different people but they have to go together, and in the end we merge together," said Nina.

"But if I interpret it more, I try to merge with the universe, with God, with Gusti Allah. Because I believe that if we merge with God, with our universe, we won't want to see other people sick, we won't want to see other God's creatures sick, so actually rahmatan lil alamin is realized."

Works Resulting From The Fusion Of Four People

Eksklusif Nina Tamam (Foto: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)
Exclusive, Nina Tamam (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

As a work of art, “Lebur” went through a long process before being released. This music project began with an offer submitted by Panji Prasetyo (Music Producer at Signature Music). He wants to see Nina Tamam return with new work.

"He is the one who gives trust. I know I can sing again, but I still think I've lost my way, I don't know what else I want to do, what kind of singing, because pop is over, but I don't want jazz, I don't want to sing because I can't, especially metal," said Nina.

"Then finally there was one song at that time, a song from Mala, the title was "Lagu Cinta", it would be the second single, God willing. While we were collecting songs because we wanted to make a mini album, suddenly Endah's song came along. He gave Mr. Panji a song entitled "Lebur". "The first time I heard about it, I fell in love with it," continued Nina.

"After that, I got an arranger who has the same frequency as Mr. Panji and I, his name is Adra Karim. He is a very detailed person. I've never workshopped more than ten songs, but with Adra it's more."

Eksklusif Nina Tamam (Foto: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)
Exclusive, Nina Tamam (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

It took two years from selecting the song until it was finished producing it. The creative process runs from four directions, including Nina Tamam as singer, Endah Widiastuti as songwriter, Adra Karim as arranger and producer, and Panji Prasetyo as executive producer.

"So what Adra wants is the same as what I want and what the songwriter wants, it's all in this one song. And when Mr. Panji listened to it, he said it was good," said Nina.

Unlike previous songs, Nina was very actively involved in the creative process. Various song references were heard, revision after revision was also continuously carried out. He proposed many ideas, starting from the feel of the song, the song content, to the backing vocals.

Nina admits that she was lucky to find her musical path with Signature Music. She feels she can continue learning to produce music she can be proud of. Besides that, new things help her maintain her hope to continue working after 29 years.

“I was lucky to meet a person named Mr. Panji Prasetyo. He likes to give references to songs that he thinks are good, good films. Then I watched the films he gave me," she said.

“So, I was influenced a lot by Mr. Panji. When he finally admitted, I can make good music, not necessarily commercial, but good. I trust him because Signature Music has produced Chandra Darusman's album, Maliq & D'Essentials album at Abbey Road, and Fariz RM's album. It's true that the production isn't much, but it's quality. So I'm really lucky to be able to join Signature Music."

In the process of making the music video, Nina also experienced new things. The production is simple, but full of impression.

“Just take the video clip using an iPhone, the same as using an application like that. So the concept is from one MRT to another MRY. Indeed, the nuance is dark and made 3 to 4, like old films," said Nina.

“So (filming the music video) really went from one MRT to another MRT, starting from Lebak Bulus, ending at BNI, back again to Lebak Bulus. Crazy, the process only takes one day, from 2 pm until sunset. Okay, the sun is going down, it's over," she continued.

Eksklusif Nina Tamam (Foto: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)
Exclusive, Nina Tamam (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

Nina admitted that this was the first time she had undergone a process like this. Previously, she always went through a process that the team had prepared carefully. However, everything went smoothly.

"In Warna with 5 Wanita, if we want to make a video clip, two weeks before we already know where the location is, who's doing the makeup, what the concept is. I don't know about this," said Nina, laughing.

Regarding plans to release a new album, Nina Tamam doesn't know what the results will be. She will continue to explore to show newness about herself.

"To be honest, I don't have any idea what it will be like. But the concept is an exploration of singing. You already know the title, 'Nina Kini'. We've recorded two songs, we don't know what one remains. But the others aren't as dark as this," said the Surabaya-born singer.

Lastly, Nina also reflected on her career as a musician and her entire life journey.

"What I am most grateful for is my life, period. Because I didn't think I could make a living from music. Because I can play in films, being an advertising star all comes from music," she concluded.

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