JAKARTA - Addie MS remembers the beginning of his career as a musician to found Twilite Orchestra in 1991.

At that time, he admitted that he had received a lot of support from the seniors, one of whom was the late Idris Sardi.

The 64-year-old musician called the existence of Idris Sardi the most respected country's violin has paved the way for the development of an orchestra in Indonesia.

"Idris Sardi is one of my senior musicians who also paved the way at the beginning of my career," said Addie MS, citing an Instagram post, Sunday, June 30.

"Thank you to Mas Idris and all my seniors who have paved the way and started an orchestral music ecosystem in Indonesia," he continued.

Addie also uploaded a photo of himself while training and appearing in a show with Idris Sardi. In addition, he also uploaded a photo with Lukman Sardi, the actor who is also Idris Sardi's son.

Idris Sardi's father is a violin player at the RRI orchestra, and his mother is a film actress. From them, was born a legendary musician Idris Sardi who lowered his artistic talent to his son, a great actor Lukman Sardi. Two artists who are rich in achievements and awards," said Addie.

For information, what Idris Sardi revealed to Lukman Sardi also happened to Addie MS who lowered his artistic talent to his two children, Kevin Aprilio and Tristan Juliano.

Addie MS's family is also known as his family of musicians, where his wife, Memes is a singer, as well as Kevin and Tristan who are currently active in the music industry as musicians and also band personnel.

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