JAKARTA - After not releasing a new song for a long time, finally Padi Reborn launched a single titled Langit Biru in collaboration with Fanny Soegi.
This song began to be worked on during a pandemic, which Piyu called a time when many people had difficulties in life. From there, Piyu and Fadly as songwriters, worked on a song that contained hopes for a better future.
We actually carry a motivational message for the community and all listeners. Because the essence of the lyrics of this song is to talk about hope, that when in any difficult situation, tomorrow there will always be a sad dawn which means new hope," said Piyu during a press conference in Senayan, Central Jakarta, Friday, May 31.
The title Langit Biru itself, said Piyu, was taken from his vision of the sky during the pandemic. When everyone has to reduce their mobility, the sky looks bright blue.
At the beginning of its cultivation, the Langit Biru was not intended to be sung in collaboration. However, after hearing the recording results and not being satisfied, Padi Reborn decided to look for a female singer collaborator, and the choice fell on Fanny Soegi.
"Actually, we have recorded everything, but when we listened again, how come it didn't seem good, we finally broke the record with Fanny," said Ari.
The choice of Fanny at that time, who was still a member of the Bornean Soegi, was because the singer from Semarang was considered to have a strong character and was suitable for a duet with Fadly.
"At that time we heard the song, which was Asmalibrasi, how come the sound was good, finally we decided to invite Fanny to collaborate," said Fadly.
Meanwhile, Padi Reborn ft's 'Blue Fly'. Fanny Soegi can already be heard on various digital streaming services, and the music video can be seen on the Padi Reborn YouTube channel.
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