JAKARTA - Guitarist and composer Daniel Dyonisius presented an interesting collaboration after releasing Miles to Go album via Demajors Records 2021. The musician who is often called And this invites several musicians who are members of Varnasvara and another figure who is quite popular in the jazz realm.

Varnasvara itself is a collective rock jazz music that explores the interaction between songwriting, electronic music, and regional music languages in Indonesia. He was initiated by Dan, with a vision to open a learning space, discussion, and communication between the musical composition of jazz rock with various colors of traditional Indonesian music.

After about a year of processing, Varnasvara released an inaugural single titled Relung, with the music and lyrics written by Dan himself. Although Relung still retains elements of jazz improvisation packaged with indie rock nuances, the colors of music mixed on this track describe departures that are quite far from the trio guitar format on the Miles to Go album, which involves support from musician Dewa Budjana.

Relung offers a variety of musical refractions and colors that were born from a mix of vocals with rich instrumentation ranging from guitar and synthesizer to traditional/ethnic musical instruments such as congahyan, tehyan, rebab, kendang, and randik.

With Indonesian lyrics, Relung has an influence from the works of Indonesian musicians such as Guruh Sukarno Putra, Ebiet G. Ade, Chrisye, Eros Djarot, Yockie Suryoprayogo, and Dewa Budjana. The inspiration behind this song departs from the reflection of the author and his interactions with various vulnerable groups.

Relung tells about the depth and beauty of the creativity of these groups, especially children with neurodivergens, which are sometimes still misinterpreted and stigmatized by society.

The production of Relung is supported by various musicians, including Daniel Dyonisius (songwriters, guitars, vocals, bas, synthesizers), Ursila Serenakartika (vocals), Seto Noviantoro (kongahyan, tehyan, rebab), AU Agus Maulana (kick), Jambul Aditya Puma (rindik), and Kelvin Andreas (drums). This Track also presents Sri Hanuraga (electric piano, synthesizer) as guest star musicians, as well as supported by Klemensia singer Aubriel, Patricius Fillio, Melkior Sebastian, Pulkeria Anabel, Adelanny Sitompul, Uti Sitompul, and Cindy Claudia Chandra.

Single Relung is Varnasvara and Daniel Dyonisius' first step in working on an album containing songs of his own that will be released in 2024. With this collaborative vision, Varnasvara will continue to explore and combine music colors to create a unique experience for listeners.

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