JAKARTA - Eddie Vedder finally watched Taylor Swift's concert for the first time recently. He came to accompany his daughter to witness Taylor hypnotized through spectacular stage action.

The experience felt new to the Pearl Jam frontman. But on the other hand, he remembers his childhood who often watched punk rock concerts.

He just conveyed this in an interview with Mojo. Eddie called Taylor Swift's concert an exciting and energy-filled show that brings together the audience.

Eddie was impressed with some unique touch on the show. One thing he remembers was the excitement of making a friendly bracelet with his daughter, with the special messages they wrote.

"They seem to form a tribe in itself, because they have the same belief. Crazy again, this lies with the punk rock audiences who are united because of idealism in my past," said Eddie Vedder.

On that occasion Eddie was amazed by the large community formed by Taylor Swift. With her talents and charisma, it is not surprising that Swift is such an influencer.

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