JAKARTA - Hobbies are not only done to fill spare time, but this can also improve intellectual intelligence. It's just that, not all hobbies can hone intelligence. A study found that there are several hobbies that can increase a person's level of intelligence. If you want to increase intelligence, try to consider pursuing some of the hobbies below.


Exercising can improve memory function, understanding, concentration, and focus. Regular exercise can also maintain body stamina in carrying out various activities. If you don't have time for the gym, you can run or swim. If you like calmer exercise activities, it looks like you can try yoga.


Even though it sounds old school, it seems that knitting has many benefits, one of which is teaching patience. You need to be really careful and diligent when you thread the needle and knit it in a pattern. Apart from being patient, you are also trained to be consistent and maintain focus while knitting.

Learning musical instruments

Playing a musical instrument can balance the right and left hemispheres, and optimize brain function. If you get your little one getting used to playing the instrument from an early age, he will get optimal scores in reading and math lessons. Why? Because playing music can improve memory and teach children to work in teams.

Reading books

Reading can certainly increase intelligence. So that the information can vary, try not to limit the sources of reading. Basically, reading activities can improve vocabulary, communication skills, analytical skills, memory, and focus. Moreover, reading books can actually reduce stress and also increase emotional intelligence.

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